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URPP Equality of Opportunity

Module Public Policy

The module “Public Policy” studies the normative foundations which provide the basis of, and set the goals for, public policies that seek to increase equality. It then develops and analyzes specific taxation and education policies that foster equality. Such policies are a reaction to the economic changes that we study in module “Economic Change”, and changes in social norms and political demands that we study in module “Social Change”. The legal system frames at the same time institutionally and normatively the economic development and the formation of political attitudes. Within this module, the understanding of legal concepts and provisions regarding equality of opportunity is an essential basis for proposing and introducing specific policies that seek to improve equality.


Module director:

Matthias Mahlmann

Prof. Matthias Mahlmann
Deputy Director of the URPP and Project Leader
Faculty of Law


Project leaders:

Prof. Ernst Fehr, Department of Economics

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Project Leader
Department of Economics

Prof. Daniel Moeckli, Faculty of Law

Prof. Daniel Moeckli
Project Leader
Faculty of Law

Prof. Florian Scheuer, Department of Economics

Prof. Florian Scheuer
Project Leader
Department of Economics
