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Anne Ardila Brenøe, Serena Canaan, Nikolaj A. Harmon, Heather N. Royer
Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming
Backlash or Progressive Mobilization? Voter Reactions to Perceived Trajectories of Women's Representation
Magdalena Breyer
Comparative Political Studies , forthcoming
Ghosting the Tax Authority: Fake Firms and Tax Fraud
Paul Carrillo, Dave Donaldson, Dina Pomeranz, Monica Singhal
American Economic Review: Insights, forthcoming
Decentralised governance: crafting effective democracies around the world
Daniel Chacu, Michael Danquah, Rachel M. Gisselquist
LSE Press
Subnational governance in Ghana: A comparative assessment of data and performance
Daniel Chacu, Michael Danquah, Rachel M. Gisselquist
Faguet, J.P., & Pal, S., 2023
Trade and Inequality in Europe and the United States
Oxford Open Economics, forthcoming
The Human Rights Responsibilities of Corporations in Global Supply Chains
Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, Volume 25, Issue 2, pages 320-334
Strasbourg Observers, January 2023
Commentary to Sustainable Development Goal No. 2 (Right to Food), in: Ilias Banketas et. al. (Hrsg.), Commentary on the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030
Oxford University Press, forthcoming
"Business and Human Rights" - Verantwortung für Menschenrechte bei grenzüberschreiten-den Wirtschaftsaktivitäten
Juristische Schulung (JuS), Volume 1
The Importance of Contingently Public Goods
Journal of Social Philosophy, March 2023
The Role of Narratives in Transferring Rational Choice Models into Political Science
Catherine Herfeld, Alexandra Quack
History of Political Economy, Volume 55, Issue 1
International Legal Materials, Volume 36, Issue 3, pages 351-354
Equality and Non-Discrimination
International Human Rights Law, University Press, book chaper, Volume 4, pages 151-16
Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights, Edward Elgar, Volume 1, pages 116-121